Condo Fees

Disclaimer: The following is for informational purposes only. It is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed in any way.

For official information regarding condo fees, please contact Quality 1 Management at (240) 770-5381. If this is regarding a potential sale of a unit, please order a Resale Package.

The condo fees at Grand Bel Manor are derived from their percentage interest of each unit and the yearly budget. The fees cover everything in our budget, ranging from general maintenance, property management, upkeep, hot and cold water, heating and cooling, garbage disposal, sewage, electricity, etc. We will do our best to keep this list up to date, but as stated above, for accurate official information please contact Shea Management. The condo fees below are for the fiscal year of 2019/2020.

You can now pay your condo fee online and setup AutoPay through ClickPay, an online payment service provided by our management company. Please note you need to have your account number ready, which can be obtained from a payment coupon or by calling Quality 1 directly at (240) 770-5381.


Building 3800
Unit # % Interest FY22/23 Condo Fee
3800/1 0.6209 $763.00 / month
3800/2 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3800/3 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3800/4 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3800/5 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3800/6 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3800/7 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3800/8 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3800/9 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3800/10 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3800/11 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3800/12 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3800/13 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3800/14 0.5072 $623.00 / month
Building 3802
Unit # % Interest FY19/20 Condo Fee
3802/1 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3802/2 0.6209 $763.00 / month
3802/3 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3802/4 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3802/5 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3802/6 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3802/7 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3802/8 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3802/9 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3802/10 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3802/11 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3802/12 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3802/13 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3802/14 0.4855 $597.00 / month
Building 3810
Unit # % Interest FY19/20 Condo Fee
3810/1 0.6209 $763.00 / month
3810/2 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3810/3 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3810/4 0.5683 $727.00 / month
3810/5 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3810/6 0.4196 $516.00 / month
3810/7 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3810/8 0.5683 $727.00 / month
3810/9 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3810/10 0.4196 $516.00 / month
3810/11 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3810/12 0.5683 $727.00 / month
3810/13 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3810/14 0.4196 $516.00 / month
Building 3812
Unit # % Interest FY19/20 Condo Fee
3812/1 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3812/2 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3812/3 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3812/4 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3812/5 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3812/6 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3812/7 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3812/8 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3812/9 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3812/10 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3812/11 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3812/12 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3812/13 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3812/14 0.5072 $623.00 / month
Building 3814
Unit # % Interest FY19/20 Condo Fee
3814/1 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3814/2 0.6209 $763.00 / month
3814/3 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3814/4 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3814/5 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3814/6 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3814/7 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3814/8 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3814/9 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3814/10 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3814/11 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3814/12 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3814/13 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3814/14 0.4855 $597.00 / month
Building 3820
Unit # % Interest FY19/20 Condo Fee
3820/1 0.6209 $763.00 / month
3820/2 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3820/3 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3820/4 0.5683 $727.00 / month
3820/5 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3820/6 0.4196 $516.00 / month
3820/7 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3820/8 0.5683 $727.00 / month
3820/9 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3820/10 0.4196 $516.00 / month
3820/11 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3820/12 0.5683 $727.00 / month
3820/13 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3820/14 0.4196 $516.00 / month
Building 3822
Unit # % Interest FY19/20 Condo Fee
3822/1 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3822/2 0.6209 $763.00 / month
3822/3 0.5683 $727.00 / month
3822/4 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3822/5 0.4196 $516.00 / month
3822/6 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3822/7 0.5683 $727.00 / month
3822/8 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3822/9 0.4196 $516.00 / month
3822/10 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3822/11 0.5683 $727.00 / month
3822/12 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3822/13 0.4196 $516.00 / month
3822/14 0.4855 $597.00 / month
Building 3832
Unit # % Interest FY19/20 Condo Fee
3832/1 0.3848 $473.00 / month
3832/2 0.3848 $473.00 / month
3832/3 0.3848 $473.00 / month
3832/4 0.3848 $473.00 / month
3832/5 0.3848 $473.00 / month
3832/6 0.3848 $473.00 / month
3832/7 0.3848 $473.00 / month
3832/8 0.3848 $473.00 / month
3832/9 0.3848 $473.00 / month
3832/10 0.4196 $473.00 / month
3832/11 0.3848 $473.00 / month
3832/12 0.3848 $473.00 / month
Building 3834
Unit # % Interest FY19/20 Condo Fee
3834/1 0.3848 $473.00 / month
3834/2 0.3848 $473.00 / month
3834/3 0.3848 $473.00 / month
3834/4 0.3848 $473.00 / month
3834/5 0.3848 $473.00 / month
3834/6 0.3848 $473.00 / month
3834/7 0.3848 $473.00 / month
3834/8 0.3848 $473.00 / month
3834/9 0.3848 $473.00 / month
3834/10 0.4196 $516.00 / month
3834/11 0.3848 $473.00 / month
3834/12 0.3848 $473.00 / month
Building 3840
Unit # % Interest FY19/20 Condo Fee
3840/1 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3840/2 0.6209 $763.00 / month
3840/3 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3840/4 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3840/5 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3840/6 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3840/7 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3840/8 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3840/9 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3840/10 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3840/11 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3840/12 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3840/13 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3840/14 0.4855 $597.00 / month
Building 3842
Unit # % Interest FY19/20 Condo Fee
3842/1 0.5683 $727.00 / month
3842/2 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3842/3 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3842/4 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3842/5 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3842/6 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3842/7 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3842/8 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3842/9 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3842/10 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3842/11 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3842/12 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3842/13 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3842/14 0.5072 $623.00 / month
Building 3844
Unit # % Interest FY19/20 Condo Fee
3844/1 0.6209 $763.00 / month
3844/2 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3844/3 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3844/4 0.5683 $727.00 / month
3844/5 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3844/6 0.4196 $516.00 / month
3844/7 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3844/8 0.5683 $727.00 / month
3844/9 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3844/10 0.4196 $516.00 / month
3844/11 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3844/12 0.5683 $727.00 / month
3844/13 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3844/14 0.4196 $516.00 / month
Building 3850
Unit # % Interest FY19/20 Condo Fee
3850/1 0.6209 $763.00 / month
3850/2 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3850/3 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3850/4 0.5683 $727.00 / month
3850/5 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3850/6 0.4196 $516.00 / month
3850/7 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3850/8 0.5683 $727.00 / month
3850/9 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3850/10 0.4196 $516.00 / month
3850/11 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3850/12 0.5683 $727.00 / month
3850/13 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3850/14 0.4196 $516.00 / month
Building 3852
Unit # % Interest FY19/20 Condo Fee
3852/1 0.6209 $763.00 / month
3852/2 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3852/3 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3852/4 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3852/5 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3852/6 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3852/7 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3852/8 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3852/9 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3852/10 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3852/11 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3852/12 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3852/13 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3852/14 0.5072 $623.00 / month
Building 3854
Unit # % Interest FY19/20 Condo Fee
3854/1 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3854/2 0.6209 $763.00 / month
3854/3 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3854/4 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3854/5 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3854/6 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3854/7 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3854/8 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3854/9 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3854/10 0.4855 $597.00 / month
3854/11 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3854/12 0.4809 $591.00 / month
3854/13 0.5072 $623.00 / month
3854/14 0.4855 $597.00 / month