Category Archive: News

May 23

Pool Opening

If you’ve lived at Grand Bel Manor for more than a few years, you know the pool always opens Memorial Day weekend, and closes Labor Day weekend. Well, it’s Memorial Day weekend, you might be saying to yourself, so why haven’t you heard anything, and where are the pool passes? That’s a very good question, …

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May 20

The A/C Is On!

I hope to have a bigger general update later, but in the short term I just wanted everyone to know the A/C is up and running!!! If you’re like me, you can close your windows and clean up all the pollen that’s collected over the past several days!

May 10

Website Mailing List Broken

I apologize to anyone who’s used the website mailing list, it’s come to my attention that it’s been broken for quite a while. For reasons unclear to me, Google flagged the account as spam and has provided no way method of re-enabling the account. I am currently looking for an alternate solution.