Category Archive: News

Jan 06

ALERT: Heat is temporarily Offline!

[notice]ALERT: Heat is temporarily Offline![/notice] Everyone, per our contract with Washington Gas, we’ve been required to switch from Gas to Oil to heat our boilers. Unfortunately, during this process, complications seemed to arise, preventing the transition. Hurley has been called, and is already on their way, however traffic has caused delays. We’re hoping they’ll be …

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Dec 30

Extermination Rescheduled to Tuesday, January 7th, 2014

For those of you who requested extermination services this month, the service, typically scheduled for the first Wednesday of the month, has been rescheduled from the 1st (New Years Day), to the following Tuesday, January 7th, 2014.

Dec 02

Board Meeting, December 03, 2013 @ 7:30

There is a board meeting scheduled for, December 03, 2013 @ 7:30PM in the 3842 Basement File room. There is not currently a draft agenda.

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