I realize this isn’t much notice, but in an effort to improve openness, transparency, and communication the board hopes to start producing and sharing its meeting agendas roughly one week prior to future board meetings. The agenda for the month of March can be found here.
Category Archive: News
Feb 22
February 2012 Newsletter
The February 2012 newsletter is now available for your reading pleasure. I’d like to again thank Jessie Ortega for taking the time to prepare this for us! You can view and/or download the document here.
Feb 07
Possible Water Shut-Off Dates
Possible Water Shut-Off Dates have been posted to the bulletin boards in every building for a few weeks now, but if you want to have the dates readily accessible, you can access a copy of the bulletin here! You can also find all of the dates on our Google Calendar, accessible here! As in the …