Category Archive: News

Jul 27

Emergency Power Outage – 08/04/11

Unfortunately there is an emergency power outage scheduled for Thursday, August 4th between the hours of 9am and 5pm (this is a max estimate). My apologies for the incorrect earlier notice!

Jul 21

A/C Outage and Pending Website Transition

Everyone, I just wanted you all to know that we’ve experienced a brief A/C outage. Ron has now reset the A/C and we should be feeling cool air soon! I do apologize for the inconvenience. I also wanted to make everyone aware that the website will be transitioning between host providers in the coming days, …

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Jul 18

Upcoming Board Election

As you all should know by now, our first election to fill the open seat on the board of directors failed to garner enough votes to constitute a quorum. As such, a new vote is scheduled for July 20th, 2011, this Wednesday, at 7:30PM, in the 3834 Filing Room. Whatever votes have been obtained at …

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