Category Archive: News

May 25

Pool Opening & Passes (May 28th)

I’m sorry for the late notice, but Fairways (the pool is owned and operated by Fairways, we have access through an arrangement with them) only notified us this week. The pool will open for the summer on Saturday, May 28, 2011 at 1:00 P.M., and close at 7:30 P.M. Monday – Friday: The Pool will …

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May 23

Temporary A/C Shutoff

Sorry for the late notice, but as a leak was discovered in the closed loop A/C water line near 3840. For repairs to be made the A/C will be temporarily shut down and drained around 2PM, Monday, May 23rd. It will be brought back on line at approximately 1PM Tuesday, May 24th. We regret the …

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Apr 19

Water Leak Outside 3820

As you may have noticed, digging equipment has been active outside 3820. A hot water leak was discovered and several feet of improperly installed pipe is being replaced and properly installed. If you ever notice water, heating, or cooling issues or leaks, please report them immediately to Shea Management.

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