The Grand Bel Manor Board of Directors has approved the purchase and installation of new laundry machines for all the laundry rooms.
Here is what you need to know:
Laundry Rooms Unavailable
From July 31st to August 2nd
Please plan to do your laundry before or after these dates or use a public Laundromat during this period.
New Prices and Ways to Pay
$1.25 to Wash & $1.00 to Dry
The new machines use cards instead of coins. You can reload your card balance using cash, credit or debit cards.
Get Your Laundry Cards w/ $5 preloaded
On July 29th or July 30th from 10am to 1pm
Please pick up your cards in front of the boiler room during the above dates. Renters must bring a valid lease agreement.
For questions please call Shea Management at 301-802-5811