Over the weekend I was doing a migration of our webserver. Unfortunately, there was an issue, and a number of posts, going back about a year were lost. This is unfortunate, but thankfully, for the most part a majority of the information most useful to residents is still available via our GoogleDocs account, which was unaffected. As a reminder, you can access our GoogleDocs account simply by clicking the Documents tab at the top of this website.
Moving forward, some small changes are coming to the website. Due to limited usage, I’m going to be retiring the forums section of the website. You can still contact us, via the Contact Us tab at the top of the page, via e-mail, or by calling management. If there’s enough of a desire to have a community discussion section again, we can always bring it back, but currently it’s not warranted.
We’re also hoping to start providing more useful information on the website, time permitting, as always, suggestions are welcome.
Thank you!