First, I’d like to apologize to residents who encountered the unscheduled hot water outage today. As many of you have likely noticed, we’ve been searching for a hot water leak somewhere between the boiler room and 3820. They finally discovered the leak today, and incorrectly presumed it would be a quick fix. Unfortunately, as they got to work, they quickly discovered it was not just one leak, but three (at last count), and went from being a quick fix to a rather extended fix.
Regardless, management has been admonished and instructed that, in the future, any and all water outages required notification. This will also include notifying the Board so that notices can be posted here, on the website, as well.
Now, unfortunately one of the attempted repairs was refusing to hold this evening, but we decided the need for hot water for the evening outweighed attempting to resolve the issue immediately. They will be back in the morning to begin work. Even then, these are just temporary repairs until they can get a more permanent solution in place on Monday.
Lastly, I’d like to stress that these outages are INTERMITTENT, do not, I repeat, DO NOT, attempt any repairs. If you need to make any repairs, please call management and arrange for the next monthly shut-off!