Nov 06


As you make your way to the polling place to select your representatives across all levels of government, I would like to remind you that you can make a huge difference by casting your vote right here at Grand Bel Manor.

As you hopefully are already aware, the board of directors has been leading an initiative to amend our condominium declaration in an effort to reduce delinquencies. Although the current delinquency rate is not as high as it has been in the last few years, it is still a big problem that affects our budget planning each year and a major factor when deciding how much of a condo fee increase will be necessary to fulfill all our financial obligations.

However, in order to change the condominium declaration, we are required by law to have 60% of all owners vote in favor of the proposal. This is proving to be a great challenge primarily because of the low number of proxy/ballots we have received thus far. Currently, less than half of all Grand Bel Manor owners have cast their votes (in favor or otherwise).

If you would like to help get this amendment passed and hopefully keep condo fees as low as possible for everyone, please vote as soon as possible. The proxies we have received so far have an expiration date, so it is crucial that we receive your vote in the coming weeks. If you have misplaced you Proxy/Ballot or never received one in the first place, you can print one from here:


Declaration Amendment Proxy Ballot


If you are unsure on how to vote, there are several options available to you:


  • In Person – You can drop by Shea Management’s Office at 6917 Arlington Rd # 350, Bethesda, MD 20814 during normal office hours and deliver it by hand. Board members will also be knocking on doors in the coming weeks, so you may be able to sign a proxy without even leaving the convenience of your home!
  • By Fax – You may fax your proxy/ballot to Shea Management at (301) 986-1545
  • By Email –  You may also scan and submit your proxy electronically to



If you are still unsure on whether or not you should support the amendment, here is the language on the ballot that explains well its intent:


I/We cast our ballot regarding the proposed Amendment to the Grand Bel Manor Declaration to enable the Board to suspend parking and recreational facilities of owners in excess of 60 days in arrears of any assessment to the Association.


If you still have questions, feel free to contact management at (301) 986-1504 or email the board of directors at


Happy Voting!





Oct 31

Water Restored

Good news, everyone!

The water – cold, hot, heating, all of it has been restored! You might notice a slightly brownish tinge to it, at first, but let it run for a bit until it’s running clean and clear again.

I’ve been told the break was almost all the way around the pipe, but thankfully it was otherwise in good condition, and we were able to put a clamp on it. This is substantially cheaper, but still a solid option for this type of repair.

Thankfully, it wasn’t more severe! If you ever happen to notice unusually amounts of water on the ground, or water coming into your unit, please report it immediately!

Oct 30

Update (10/31/10 – 12:30PM): Possible Emergency Water/Heat Shut-Off

Updated – 10/31/18 – 12:30PM (see original below):
As everyone currently attempting to use the water should know, it’s currently been shut off.
What we know so far, is that it appears the leak is in the cold water line, not the hot water or the heating lines. Unfortunately, it’s my understanding that we needed to schedule an emergency water shut-off with WSSC, and as a result, all the lines will be shut off while the repairs are made. The suspicion is that the lines are deep and may run close to electrical lines, requiring care, and possibly shoring up the hole to prevent collapse. Currently, I’ve heard nothing regarding the status of the break itself, but we’re remaining hopeful that the repair can be promptly made so that we can restore water service ASAP. I’ll continue to write updates as I learn more relevant information!

I don’t currently have much in the way of details, but this morning a large leak was discovered near the boiler room. As a result, we’ll likely have to shut off water to some/all of the property, though I don’t yet know if it will be all water, just hot, just cold, or if it might even be a heat line.

I’ll post an update once I’ve learned more; hopefully we’ll be able to address this quickly!

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