Thankfully notices were posted to the bulletin boards, as this almost slipped my mind. The A/C has been turned off for the fall/winter season. The board of directors will make a decision regarding when to switch to heat based on weather conditions. Notices will be posted at that time.
Category Archive: News
Oct 03
Hot Water
[warning]Hot water will INTERMITTENTLY be offline both tomorrow, October 3rd, 2014 and Monday, October 6th, 2014 for emergency repairs [/warning] First, I’d like to apologize to residents who encountered the unscheduled hot water outage today. As many of you have likely noticed, we’ve been searching for a hot water leak somewhere between the boiler room and 3820. …
Jun 18
Grand Pre Road Parking Enforcement
I am very pleased to announce that the police have informed us they plan to step up parking enforcement along Grand Pre Road. For far too long people have been parking in “No Parking” areas creating hazardous conditions when attempting to exit both our and neighboring properties. If you park along Grand Pre Road, be …