

Jul 12

Last Round of Curb Stenciling

Please be advised that the curbs throughout the property will be stenciled in accordance with the photo on the left on the following dates:


TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2017

From 7:30am to 2pm


This means that NO VEHICLES may be parked in the parking lots on the date that stenciling is being done.  The contractors will apply the paint with a sprayer and there may be over spray that could damage your vehicle. Neither the contractors, Management or the Board of Directors will be responsible for damage to vehicles that are not moved.

If it rains on any of the three dates noted, the work for that day will be canceled and rescheduled for another date.  


If a vehicle is preventing the contractor from proceeding, it will be towed at the owner’s risk and expense


If you have questions or concerns about this work, call Shea Management  at 301-802-5811.